the downfall of lolita lempicka

capitalism sucks and i have autism. pictured: prettiest (in my opinion) bottle of theirs

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27.12.2023 - snippet from dms

lolita lempicka used to be middle tier, like more expensive and fancy than the perfumes you can buy in chain clothes shops and whatnot but not a real fancy brand, and used to be affordable for me as a teenager, so i have multiple because it was arguably the best on the middle tier, very original, intense and intriguing fragrances. i would recommend them, but but the prices of them are going above and beyond lately in comparison to what it used to be. mainly because new lempickas (their new products/lines that is) are of crap quality, and the old ones which are actually artisian (2009 and such blends) are becoming rare on the market, and now they cost upwards of 500 [redacted currency] or aren't available at all. the same lempickas that were always the middle tier as a part of their charm - it was that they weren't super fancy and pretentious and yet were so great and technically well done and also these bottles had a level of flamboyance and kitsch like the brand wasn't taking itself fully seriously, it was great for it, currently there's no fancy bottles and even if they were making fragrances like in the old days if it costed the same as tom ford or even mugler, they'd just be another fancy pretentious brand of decent quality. not something unique. but they hardly even make anything particularly good, unfortunately. some examples of old lempickas include:

  • lolita lempicka l'eau d'minuit - 2007
  • l de lolita - 2006
  • lolita lempicka au masculin - 2000
  • si lolita - 2009
  • as a brand, they used to be flamboyant, made very original and controversial fragrances in these bottles beautiful in like artistic kitsch way, they had the appropriate amount of self irony and cheeky approach, and good fragrance designers in their ranks, like annick menardo who also made stuff for guerlain, armani, kenzo. lempicka used to be middle tier price wise and affordable to a middle class teenager. what they currently make isn't bad-bad, but it's clearly mass produced and produced for the masses - it's unremarkable, it's not unique, it's your normal women's perfume straight women wear and in fairly normal bottles. still pretty but nowhere near that level; admittedly, haven't given in to the trend of minimalism fully and they maintain a bit of whimsy, but it is now unoriginal and "girly" in uncontroversial, "quiet" ways. it is mediocre, and very disappointing for someone who has been there for their better years - i haven't seen most of their good fragrances come out since i was born in 1998 and really took interest in perfume in the 2010s, but i was there for when they were affordable.

    now they make mediocre products like these.

    these are still affordable - it's still middle tier price wise, while their old fragrances now cost a small fortune or just aren't available on the market at all; they kinda have a cult following, but only for the old stuff. so damn glad it was still affordable when i was younger, but why did they go to shit so much. why did they become mass and mediocre like everything else and abandon their characteristic flamboyant style it's so depressing! alas, probably part of capitalism's tendency to eventually degenerate anything into mass produced pulp. nevertheless, sad.

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