in the divorce case, lilith said:
please don't let adam around my children
i don't want him around my daughters
he's a danger
and his new wife eve
he turns her head away
pretends not to see

(many mothers say
something similar
lilith was really the first in

the judge laughed
he had a loyalty
a title of he capital and it meant a lot

show us the bruises, lilith
he said, look at your kids
they're happy

adam thought it was embarrassing
when she left to birth monsters for other men
and he thought her life would be hell without him

only after some centuries have they shown the scars
and they said: we weren't happy
we didn't feel safe to say that

lilith asked eve
why didn't you say anything
why were you meek and silent

what makes you think i would be heard -
- eve said -
- at least no one thinks i'm a demon -

lilith shed a tear

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